Basler Pylon BLOB Analysis Basic

$87.00Request Lead Time
  • Absolute thresholding
  • Auto thresholding
  • Relative thresholding
  • Region morphology
  • Object filtering
  • Feature extraction

Basler Pylon USB Dongle Basic needs to be purchased with this vTool.

Accessory Products


The BLOB-Analysis license includes pylon vTools for typical thresholding based BLOB analysis tasks, such as identifying regions by their grey value range. The license includes three thresholding tools: absolute thresholding, auto thresholding (binary), and relative thresholding for dynamic thresholding relative to a mean image. In combination with the included additional pylon vTools for region morphology and object filtering, you can use the thresholding tools to identify and analyze regions, objects and structures with outstanding robustness, accuracy and performance.

Basler Pylon USB Dongle Basic needs to be purchased with this vTool.

Product Type:Add-On for Basler Pylon
Notes:Requires USB Key PN 2200001168

Data Sheets

User Manuals
